Our Story

The year was 2007 and it was my freshman year of college at San Diego State University. Originally from Chantilly, Virginia, I decided I wanted to travel. And smoke the dankest weed known to man (teenage priorities). There was something so enchanting about the state of California, and San Diego was the perfect introduction. Warm weather, sunny skies, and something I discovered very early on, AMAZING Mexican food.

And not just any Mexican food, but something distinctly "Californian". This was CALI-MEX.

French fries stuffed into burritos? When you are stoned and drunk and in college? Yes please. Folks, I was in love with this food. Combing the best elements of classic Mexican cuisine with that So-Cal style and creativity.

And one of my first thoughts was, why isn't this food everywhere? Why can't I take it home? Well, that's what I did with Colino's. It is my lover letter to California, and to Mexico. Expect unique takes on authentic flavors, the freshest ingredients, and the laid-back Cali-style service (but on time).

¡Bienvenidos a Colino's!